Year 11 Pathway to Progress
Our Year 11 Pathway to Progress programme supports students in becoming effective and successful students and leave school with the best possible outcomes, skills, knowledge and confidence to move onto the next stage of their learning journey.
Period 0 and 6 Revision sessions
Learners are invited to attend before and after school revision sessions dependant on the learners need. Progress is tracked across all subjects, once a learner has made sufficient progress in their targeted subject, they are free to attend other subject areas. All sessions are open to any learner wanting to attend, but identified learners must attend their targeted subject over any other subjects.
A P0/P6 Timetable is regularly reviewed and shared with learners/parents via social media, Year 11 notice board, screens around school, and in form time.
Come along to our Mid-Week Specials and experience learning in a new and exciting way!
School finishes early on Wednesdays allowing for the Mid-Week Specials sessions to run. The programme aims to improve the outcomes of leaners while developing their wider life-skills such as resilience and independence. This positive education programme includes the fostering of self-determination, self-efficacy, and belief in oneself. Its main objective is to help learners change how they feel and think about learning through metacognitive strategies, which has been shown through numerous research, to have high impact. The sessions are not teacher-led but are supported by after school coaches (ASCs) who comprise of 6th form students who have received training in tutoring. They have extensive subject knowledge in their repertoire and can offer a unique perspective to support and guide our year 11 learners. The programme has proven to be highly successful in improving student outcomes and is open to any Year 11 learners. The timetable for sessions is as follows:
Mid-Week Specials Sessions Wednesdays |
2:45pm Session 1 |
3:35pm Comfort Break |
3:45pm Session 2 |
4:35pm Comfort Break |
4:45pm Session 3 |
5:45pm End of Session 3 and leave the site |
Learners come prepared with resources that they need to work on and utilise the experience & knowledge of the ASCs who can offer a different perspective to learning as well as support on revision techniques and good exam practice.

English & Mathematics form time sessions
Identified learners are placed in morning form time sessions which are led by English and Maths staff so that they spend additional time with an English and/or Maths teacher one morning a week. Progression is monitored/tracked on a regular basis.
Walking-Talking Mocks
These sessions take place in an examination environment using past papers. The teacher takes the learners through the exam paper, providing key advice and tips on how to maximise marks for each question. Identified learners are specifically targeted for these sessions in the core subjects.
Pre-Exam Classes
These classes run before a mock or Public examination and are intended to provide essential exam techniques required for successful outcomes. These sessions are not intended as ‘last minute revision’ but prove useful helping learners to approach their exam in a calm manner.
Utilising the Library space
Every day the Library is available for focused study in a calm climate, which is supervised by a member of staff. Availability is from 8am until form time and after school until 4pm and is open to any learner.
Passport to Prom
Learning comes First, rewarding learners going above and beyond! This initiative helps to promote independent learning and completion of coursework. Completed coursework can be signed off in the passport by class teachers and for subjects without coursework a piece of independent revision also provides a sign off opportunity in passports. A fully complete passport signed off by Leaders of Learning, once passed to progress/pastoral leaders, unlocks the prom ticket!
5 Tips to help teenage students reduce screen time on social media
BTEC/GCSE Exam Information
Warning to Candidates
1. You must be on time for all your examinations.
2. Possession of a mobile phone or other unauthorised material is not allowed even if you do not intend to use it. You will be subject to penalty and possible disqualification from the exam/qualification.
3. You must not talk to, attempt to communicate with or disturb other candidates once you have entered the examination room.
4. You must follow the instructions of the invigilator.
5. You must not sit an examination in the name of another candidate.
6. You must not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practice in any part of the examination.
7. If you are confused about anything, only speak to an invigilator.
- Preparing to sit your exams
- Social media information for students
- Information for candidates Non-examination assessments
Revision Guides
Please log into you ParentPay account to see what revision guides are available to buy for your child.