Together Against Bullying

WHS Anti-Bullying Video 2023
WHS Reporting system
Bullying is any deliberate, repeated behaviour that physically or emotionally hurts someone.
How can I report bullying in school?
You can talk to any member of staff, however specific people who are here to help are:
- Your form tutor
- Your Student Support Leader (SSL)
- Your Student Progress Leader (SPL)
- Assistant Headteacher KS3 – Mr Parkinson
- Assistant Headteacher KS4 – Mr Dignam
We also have the new anonymous reporting tool – click here to report a problem with bullying.
If you want a parent or friend to call school on your behalf the number is 01942 814122
Please see our 2 booklets below about our Anti-Bullying process, one is for students and one for parents.