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SENCo Learning Support

Our SENCo and Learning Support Department is dedicated to promoting the inclusion of all students within school life and we believe that:

  • All students are entitled to a relevant and worthwhile education designed to enable them to participate fully in society and to contribute to and benefit from it
  • Students who have special educational needs and disabilities should be supported, wherever necessary to achieve full access to the whole-school curriculum with the help of a skilled team of staff, specialist equipment and resources
  • Students should have special programmes designed to maximise opportunities for independent living in preparation for life after school, including preparation for work or continuing education.

Our Every Child Hub

Our Every Child Hub is an integrated student support hub which supports students of all ages and it provides a range of support including:

  • Provision for students with a temporary physical disability
  • Literacy programmes
  • Access to specialist equipment
  • A range of activities designed to improve literacy skills and self-esteem
  • Nurture programmes
  • Behaviour modification and anger management programmes
  • Short term intervention for ‘at risk’ students
  • Personalised learning packages tailored to the needs of individuals.

We work closely with partners from a variety of different agencies and we also look to form strong links with parents and carers. Please refer to our SEND Information Report and our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Policy for more detailed information about the work of the department.

Our Learning Support Team

  • Mrs Unsworth – Deputy Headteacher – Student Wellbeing and Engagement
  • Mr D Partington (Interim) Mrs Paradine – SEN Co-ordinator (SENCo)
  • Mrs J Murphy – SEN Governor

Learning Support Assistants (LSAs): Provide additional targeted support by assisting the classroom teacher in meeting the personal, social and behavioural and curriculum related needs of students with an Educational Health and Care Plan and students on the SEND Support Register.

Level 5: SEND Support Leader – who supports the SENCo with reviews in addition to the duties of the Level 4/HLTA’s.

Level 4: HLTA’s are team leaders and supervise groups of students managing the specialist areas of The Every Child Hub, Nurture, ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) provision and also support the day to day management of the LSA team.

Level 3: LSAs, under guidance from the SENCo and teachers, assist in the delivery of provision to groups of students in the Learning Centre and planning and delivering of withdrawal packages for a range of needs including literacy, speech and language therapy and nurture.

Level 2: LSAs work supervising and supporting students in the classroom under the close supervision and direction of the teacher. When they work with individual students withdrawn from class, they deliver structured work provided by the class teacher.

Please visit The SEND Local offer to find more information and support. The SEND Local Offer provides a single point for information to help families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to access details about services available to them and offer guidance in multiple areas.

Issue 1

Issue 2