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Physical Education

The Vision: “An active mind cannot exist in an inactive body.”

― George S. Patton Jr.

The Physical Education curriculum at Westhoughton high school inspires all learners to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Learners will develop their physical motor competence in invasion, net/wall, Swimming, Dance, Striking and fielding and Outdoor Adventurous activities. Develop a knowledge and understanding of the rules, strategies and tactics and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle whilst developing the character qualities needed for success.

Sport will be uses as a vehicle to develop the schools LEARN Values by promoting:

Looking after each other – There are opportunities for learners to leadership and officiating skills within lessons and enrichment activities.

Enjoy our school – by being given the opportunity to engage in inter-house and extracurricular sporting competitions and excursions that will develop their love of learning.

Aim high – learners will be encouraged to develop their sporting talents whilst being challenged to understand key health concepts. They will then be offered bespoke qualifications combined with expert teaching and learning that will stretch and challenge all learners’ abilities.

Respect – They will develop their character qualities whilst engaging in physical activities they will then apply this understanding of how to show respect in everyday life.

Never stop learning – All learners will be encouraged to continually maintain a healthy and active lifestyle once they leave school as they will be equipped with the knowledge to help them maintain a healthy body and healthy mind.

Please see parental overview of the courses in KS3 and KS4 below.

PE Key Stage 3 Curriculum Roadmap

Key Stage 4

Links for Support/Help at Home

  • Following of our WHS PE department Twitter for participation in sports challenges
  • Building upon interests that form throughout the topics studied by practising more at home
  • Joining local teams within a set sport(s)
  • Ensuring correct kit is brought to school
  • Use of YouTube tutorials for further practice on skills covered
  • Participation within national competitions promoted by the PE Department via social media/posters
  • Participating in enrichment opportunities and clubs at lunch and after school