Curriculum Overview
Vision Statement:
At Westhoughton High School, we believe that every child should access an ambitious, inclusive and diverse curriculum where every child finds their purpose, identity and talent unique to them. Through our knowledge-rich curriculum, we wish to build learners who are empowered to explore, who remain curious with a desire to pursue ideas and solutions whilst identifying their lifelong learning interest. With a sense of purpose and aspiration, our learners become successful communicators in their future pathways in order to realise their personal best.
We built the curriculum with the intent that students will become:
- confident in identifying their voice and how/where it fits in the world
- inclusive of the beliefs and values of others, embracing diversity not fearful of it
- invested in their aspirations and the pursuit to reach their personal best
- independent and resilient to thrive in any environment
- able to draw upon their knowledge and skills to make informed life choices
- healthy, safe and fit in mind and body
- literate and able to communicate effectively in all mediums
- numerate to ensure financial competencies in the wider world
Our Curriculum Offer:
Curriculum Implementation: The Macro Curriculum
KS3 Curriculum Structure (Years 7-9)
Years 7-9 are placed into 10 form groups in each year group. To create a timetable each year group is separated into two, parallel ability bands. Each band (QR and ST) is taught in five sets of varying prior attainment. Smaller groups are assigned in Technology and Performing Arts and Music to accommodate health and safety recommendations in these subject areas and use of equipment for the best learning experience. Intervention for additional literacy and numeracy occurs within the curriculum timetable with our qualified teachers as Learning Mentors working to close gaps present through assessment, alongside our Learning Support Team who support with literacy and numeracy catch up for students with -100 KS2 prior assessment. This also helps form our Literacy and Numeracy ‘Catch Up’ in Year 7 with support strategies with subject specialists to ensure all students have barriers to academic success mitigated against such as accessing the curriculum with age-related literacy and numeracy.
Subject Code Key: En (English), Ma (Maths), Sc (Science), Tech (Technology = Food, Textiles and Design Technology), Art, Fr (French), Gg (Geography), Hi (History), PE (Physical Education), RE (Religious Education), PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Education), Co (Computing), PA (Performing Arts) and Mu (Music), Sp (Spanish).
Year 7 | En | Ma | Sc | Tech | Art | Fr | Gg | Hi | PE | RE | PSHCE | Co | PA/Mu* |
48 Periods | 8 | 8 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
*PA and Music work on a half-termly rotation meaning that each term all students have a half-term of Music and the other in PA before swapping again.
Year 8 & 9 | En | Ma | Sc | Tech | Art | Fr/Sp** | Gg | Hi | PE | RE | PSHCE | Co | PA/Mu* |
48 Periods | 8 | 8 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
NB: In Year 8 students are introduced to Spanish as well as French. Students study two lessons of Spanish and two lessons of French each fortnight. At the end of Year 8, students decide which language they wish to pursue into Year 9 whereby, based on their choice alongside advisories from their teachers, students study French or Spanish for four lessons a fortnight in their chosen language in Year 9.
KS4 Curriculum Structure (Year 10-11)
Discussions with students begin in Year 9 regarding their interests, option preferences and intentions for post-16 progression. Within their KS4 studies, students are placed into our W or H option pathways which are two, parallel ability bands, in order to form the curriculum model. All students study English Language and Literature (two separate GCSEs), Maths, Science (two GCSEs) and will have one period per week for non-examined RE/PSHCE and Games. The majority of students will study three option subjects (based on their preferences) with the minimum expectation of one EBacc subject to be taken (Geography, History, French, Spanish, Triple Science or Computer Science). The pathways followed are designed to provide all students with the appropriate opportunity, time and support to be able to thrive and achieve their potential, such that they are prepared for and can access their choice of post-16 provision.
Year 10 and Year 11 Pathways
Subject Code Key: En (English), Ma (Maths), Sc (Science), Ox (Option X), Oy (Option Y), Oz (Option Z), Ga (Games), RSW (RE/PSHCE)
Key Stage 4
KS4 | En | Ma | Sc | Ox* | Oy* | Oz* | Ga | RSW |
48 Periods | 8 | 8 | 10 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 2 |