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At Westhoughton High school the beliefs and opinions of all people are valued. Our core values lie at the heart of our school community and are understood by everyone. These values centre on our LEARN mission statement – at our school we all:

  • Look after each other
  • Enjoy our school
  • Aim high
  • Respect one another, ourselves and our school community
  • Never stop learning

British Values

Through our mission statement and our behaviour policy, Respect to Learn, we aim to show a commitment from the whole school community to value each and every member of our school. As a school we wish to show tolerance of others who have different views and beliefs. We expect students to show good manners at all times and commit to keeping our school rules, which are there for good reason. We are committed to ensuring that every student is given the opportunity to thrive in a supportive, highly cohesive learning community. This ethos is promoted in all classrooms, around the school and through our assemblies to ensure that all students have an opportunity to develop personally, intellectually, spiritually and socially.


At Westhoughton High School we offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and which ‘promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.’ Education Act (2002) Section 78

We ensure all students are made aware of the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and these themes are particularly prominent throughout the teaching of Citizenship and Religious Education which covers issues such as:

  • How citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process
  • An opportunity to participate in campaigning, voting and active citizenship through social action
  • An appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens
  • An understanding that bodies such as the police and the army can be held to account by the people, through a democratic government
  • An understanding that the freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law, and an acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour
  • An understanding of the problems of identifying and combating discrimination and prejudice